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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mapping out our Blue Print

So lets start to build our blue print to a healthier life, shall we?
First you need a calendar, so you can do what I do which is use Google calendar (I use Google for everything :) or run off to your local Staples or Office Depot and grab a appointment book.

Now that we have our calendar in front of us all I want you to do is look at one day, your average day, something that will replicate our weekly life (work runs us all so your work week tends to work perfect).

Lets start with when you go to bed and when you wake up shall we. So if you typically go to sleep at 9pm then write 9p, if it is 3 am because you work in the restaurant industry (like I did for 9 years) then that is fine too. remember this is a blue print that will help you control your life, not your neighbors, not your familys, and def not your favorite movie star. Represent sleep time with Zzz if you want, or be a little more creative :) just have fun with it, it is your plan and I don't think anyone likes being boring.

So during your work week you tend to have daily habits (we are all creatures of habit, especially me), that means you tend to wake up at the same time daily, follow the same tasks (brush your teeth, take a shower, eat breakfast, etc.) in the morning. That will be our first step, take the time you wake up and right that down next to the time that your alarm goes off. Some find that writing side notes can help but for now you can be as general or as detailed as you would like.

After you have woken up a bit I want you to write down when you leave your house for work and when your work day starts. Remember your schedule is your schedule and it is a part of your life, so don't think what your writing down is wrong, it is not, only you can know what your typical day looks like.

Now from here I want you to add in your Lunch break and any other breaks you may get (cigarette breaks don't count, we are here to get in shape) and the when you get out for the day. If your break varies then thats fine, just put a time that it will be sooner or later, this blue print can be a floating plan if you have a floating schedule.

After work we all get time to enjoy what we call life (lol, that's funny right) whether it is totally full of adventure (like scaling the Statue of Liberty) or whether you like to keep to your self and stay at home and relax. We all go to the grocery store (I hope, please no fast food) and we all shop for our necessities, whatever that may b so write down the time you would typically do this as well.

If you are hesitant on what you should right down don't be, this is your personal calendar and I don't know many people that go around showing others. Just as a example I'll show you a rough copy of mine. Just click on the image to see it.

Tomorrow we will talk about when and how we should eat in order to maximize our metabolism, stay tuned and keep your daily calendar handy.

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