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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Don't Stress...Might Kill ya

Stress is unavoidable. However we conduct our lives we're going to run into stress on a daily basis. And dealing with stress actually causes chemical changes in our brains which can of course affect our health. And it doesn't just end there.

Some types of stress are fleeting, and very short-lived. Usually with minor things like feeling like you always choose the slowest line at the store This sort of annoyance happens to all of us. The issue is how you handle it. Most people will simply decide to look at the magazine rack, which is conveniently located near the register, or just daydream for a few minutes. But some people will let the tension build. You can almost see the frusturation building with every second they have to wait in that line.

Obviously we want to be like the prior, and take this moment as an opportunity to catch up on our gossip. The first may read something interesting on the cover of a magazine and the second may escape from the chaos of the day with her daydream. But the person that is literally stressing out over the wait is doing more harm to himself than he realizes.
Stress can affect us on many levels. This person is not likely to have a smile on his face as he heads out of the market. I'm sure it will take a person like this quite some time to cool down. And it is very likely that this is behavior that is routine for this person - in other words, this person does not have very good coping skills.

In time this person is likely to experience any or all of the following problems:

Difficulty sleeping
High blood pressure
Lack of energy
Feelings of depression
Tension & anxiety that won't let up
Back or neck pain
Change in weight
And more

As you can see, stress can build and lead to some bad stuff. But, to be fair, some people just have more stressful lives to live than the rest of us. I'm sure we all know those that have had more hardships, trials, and tribulations than the average person. It is also important to note that some things that are perceived as good, such as having children or buying a home and moving, are also very stressful.

These issues are cause to so many health problems including heart disease, low immunity, ulcers, emotional disorders and the list goes on. We my not be able to eliminate stress, but we can learn to cope. We can work on using mature coping mechanisms when we are feeling stressed, but even more than that we can be more proactive.

To stay healthy we can eat better, drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep, and workout. Increasing our physical health is a fantasitc way to also increase our ability to cope with stress more healthfully. Be kind to yourself. Take time to smell the roses, chill out, and remember your hobbies. Every day you should budget at least 15 minutes that are just for you, that is your time to do what you need. Try not to sweat the small stuff.

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