Astonishing huh? I bet when I said that you thought about it real quick, snickered and said,"that sounds about right." lol
Well why exactly is that? Because who doesn't like stuffing themselves until there pants need to be unzipped, while surrounded by there loved ones.
I can already taste the warm mouth watering turkey, mash potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, candy yams, biscuits, man oh man the list can go on and on and we haven't even talked about the dessert and beverages, like pumpkin pie and eggnog..
Well did you know you can eat to enjoy every last one of these foods during the holidays, without the weight gain?
Well you can! And all you have to do is avoid the pressure of stuffing yourself until you hit the red line on your tummy pressure gage. See I am the first to say the holidays are a fantastic time of the year, I love them. But when it comes to eating, I always spread out the food. I will go up for small to medium size plates instead of that over loaded large one you see uncle Earl grab on your right.
I think of the the holidays as the ultimate snack fest and you know what happens, I have noticed that people don't measure how much you eat with just the amount of food on a plate but also (and maybe more importantly) how many times you walk through the buffet line, people always make the statement to me, your going up for more? See, I can down my fair share of food (I commonly get told I have the appetite of a horse) but what is weird is that all I do is graze throughout the day and typically thats how I always am even on holidays, I just eat a little bit more of everything :)
So if you are looking to make it through the holidays then do what I do, start off with a small to medium size plate of your main course what ever that is, turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, mash potatoes. Then when your done sit and relax, have some conversation with a loved one, so that the digestion can start to take place. It may take about 20 minutes for your stomach to relay the message to your mind that you are totally satisfied, so take your time.
Now this is where it gets fun, see once those 20 min go by your body makes you aware of how full you are. You will most likely say to yourself, "I feel totally satisfied, man that food was good, but I could eat like 2 more plates easy." See thats not a bad thing, remember we want to enjoy the holidays not regret them after words. That feeling of satisfaction is your key to success, it puts you on the right path to knowing how full your gas tank (stomach) is. Your body will store fat sooner and more often when you have that amount of access food in your system.
Now that we know what it feels like to be satisfied, now all we want to do is graze and graze a lot, as much as you want but never to the point of total fullness, where you may feel like sleeping or unbuckling your pants. Make the conscious effort to spend a little more time talking and having fun and less time at the buffet line and you will find that the holidays can be a blast without the weight gain.
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