Have you ever dreams of a perfect golf swing like Tiger Woods or Ernie Els? Well me too! It is amazing how graceful and powerful swings they can do.
Having a good swing requires continual practice but here are three excellent tips on how to improve your golf swing very quickly.
1. Warm up.
Just like any sport, golf players will need to warm up before starting playing golf. This is the first mistake that many amateur golf players make. It is recommended to come early at the golf course and take a few minutes to stretch those muscles and warm up. This will make your muscles “recognize” that they are in for something and that they need to be ready. Taking a few swings in the driving range will also help you get tuned up and perform better. You won’t improve your golf swing without first warning up.
2. Regular Exercise.
This is really important, not necessarily only for golf. Constantly exercising your body and muscles will keep them toned and ready for any activity. This will also prevent common body aches and pains that you usually feel when playing golf.
Getting into the habit of exercising, especially tuning up your muscles will have a great impact on your swing. It will enable you have a good stance and increase total balance and control on your swings. So to improve your golf swing, remember to exercise as often as you can.
3. Do Not Swing Too Hard Yet.
It is really attractive to give your swing that extra effort. Having said that, it is certainly not a good idea, unless you already have the control of your swing. The key to a powerful and graceful swing is the balance and control that you have, add to it the proper form and stance.
Try to do these things when you play golf again. And do these regularly, and then notice the change it will make on your next golf swing.
If you really want to improve your golf swing then you have to find help. Online there are countless of course that will really help you better your golf swing easily and fast.
Contact me for more info:
Shawn Guiney
www.thefitnessbuste r.com
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