Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
The Half Way Mark
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Improving Libido With Natural Supplements

Libido in other terms is generally referred as sex drive or desire. A high libido is the basic requirement of giving love, pleasure and full satisfaction to your partner. Maintaining your libido is very important for a fulfilling life. But due to several problems men lose their libido. This article discusses major causes of low male libido and how to prevent it.
A high libido is what every man desires, but only few really enjoy the pleasure of full satisfaction during lovemaking. Many men suffer from a temporary loss of libido. The good news is that the temporary loss of libido can be recovered through natural, safe and effective male enhancement supplements.
Many men who suffer sudden or temporary loss of libido may be able to improve it by simple lifestyle changes. In this article you will learn the biggest causes of low libido and some useful ideas and tips that can help.
Why libido declines?
1. Stress - One factor that can reduce sex drive is stress. You can take herbal anti-stress supplements like ashwagandha that act as overall body tonics. Ashwagandha also works as a natural aphrodisiac and boosts libido. Other useful supplements are ginseng and ginkgo which work to reduce stress and also increase blood circulation and nitric oxide production.
2. Decreased nitric oxide levels - Nitric oxide is the key in the erection process and if you don’t have enough, you simply won’t be able to get a proper erection. Nitric oxide naturally declines with age and is the problem for most older men. However, there are methods to boost it naturally and safely.
When a man has sexual feelings, the brain communicates these thoughts through the nerves, and these are transmitted to the genitals. The nerves relax the muscle cells by releasing nitric oxide into the walls of the blood vessels entering the penis. This allows greater blood to flow to the penis and an erection is the end result. If insufficient nitric oxide is produced then you will have a poor erections.
How to improve libido?
1. Zinc - It is required for the production of testosterone and zinc content of the prostate gland and sperm is higher than in any other body tissues. Zinc not only promotes testosterone, but also helps to maintain semen volume which together aide in maintaining libido and keeping your sperm healthy.
2. Selenium - Modern farming methods decreases selenium levels in foods so its deficiency is common. Almost half of the selenium in a man is in the testes and seminal ducts and men lose selenium in their semen. This helps explain why its so important for optimum sexual performance.
3. Magnesium – It is vital for the production of sex hormones, such as androgen and estrogen and the neurotransmitters that modulate the libido such as dopamine and norepinephrine.
4. Amino acid – If you have a goal to increase nitric oxide levels simply take L Argentine, a non-essential amino acid. It boosts sex drive and adds some vigor to your love life.
Continue routine preventive measures such as nutritional dieting, and exercise. It also helps to keep an open and honest communication system with your partner. There is never a reason to feel depressed, ashamed or embarrassed – you’re not alone.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Core Strength Training

If you have been involved in bodybuilding for a while, you've probably heard fellow lifters discussing stabilizer muscles. There are many things out there that might sound complicated, but you're lucky, this isn't one of them.
Much like how a foundation stabilizes a house, your stabilizer muscles help to keep you balanced and upright when moving. Your stabilizer muscles are not directly involved in the lifting of the weight, but help keep your body steady, through isometric muscle contractions.
Now if you think about it, these muscles sound pretty important. If you didn't have stabilizer muscles your knees would buckle during squats and your elbows during the bench press. The good thing is that if you've been doing many full-range-of-motion, free-weight movements you've already been training them.
Free-weight movements, which includes any exercise done with a barbell, dumbbell or cable (I consider cables redirected dumbbells, as you are not lifting the weight in a guided path) require you to balance the weights yourself, as you are not lifting the weight in a pre-set path, as with machines.
Shawn Guiney
Monday, February 15, 2010
Empty Calories

How much nutritional bang are you getting for the calories you take in?
The term "empty calories" refers to calories that have no nutritional value aside from providing energy. Not that energy is anything to sneeze at -- but if you're watching your weight and making food choices based on the number of calories, you might as well get as many "bonus" nutrients as you can -- protein, vitamins, minerals, and so on -- from the foods you choose.
Easy example: compare a cup of milk to a can of (non-diet) soda or a glass of wine. They all provide about 130 calories of energy. But only the milk provides calcium, protein and other nutrients. The soda and wine have sugar or alcohol, but little else that nourishes your body.
The bottom line: eating well means you combat cravings -- that results in healthier eating habits over time.
For more info and a FREE Session contact me-
Shawn Guiney
Sunday, February 14, 2010
I can't believe rest week is over
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Good Ideas for Building Confidence

Do you need a confidence boost? Here are a few tips...
* Look for a model (someone who has self confidence) and learn from them. What is it they do that makes them confident, how do they act?
* Focus on your achievements rather than your failures. If you do find yourself thinking about how you failed then look at what you managed to do right and how you could correct what you did next time.
* Learn how to feel good about yourself.
* Act as if you were self confident! You will feel more confident.
* Focus on who you are and what you like about yourself. Why do your friends like you?
* Prepare thoroughly for any task so that you can be sure you are ready.
* Work on any skills you need to do what you want, you can never be overtrained or over skilled for any challenge in life.
* Work on your relaxation skills
* Always smile and stand up straight
* Set reachable goals for yourself and break difficult tasks into smaller steps
* Reward yourself when you succeed no matter how small the achievement
* Finally, I advise you not to be too competitive or compare yourself with others. Be yourself and accept that life is not a race against others but your self confidence depends on you and your personal needs.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Ideas to Improve Your Golf Swing

Have you ever dreams of a perfect golf swing like Tiger Woods or Ernie Els? Well me too! It is amazing how graceful and powerful swings they can do.
Having a good swing requires continual practice but here are three excellent tips on how to improve your golf swing very quickly.
1. Warm up.
Just like any sport, golf players will need to warm up before starting playing golf. This is the first mistake that many amateur golf players make. It is recommended to come early at the golf course and take a few minutes to stretch those muscles and warm up. This will make your muscles “recognize” that they are in for something and that they need to be ready. Taking a few swings in the driving range will also help you get tuned up and perform better. You won’t improve your golf swing without first warning up.
2. Regular Exercise.
This is really important, not necessarily only for golf. Constantly exercising your body and muscles will keep them toned and ready for any activity. This will also prevent common body aches and pains that you usually feel when playing golf.
Getting into the habit of exercising, especially tuning up your muscles will have a great impact on your swing. It will enable you have a good stance and increase total balance and control on your swings. So to improve your golf swing, remember to exercise as often as you can.
3. Do Not Swing Too Hard Yet.
It is really attractive to give your swing that extra effort. Having said that, it is certainly not a good idea, unless you already have the control of your swing. The key to a powerful and graceful swing is the balance and control that you have, add to it the proper form and stance.
Try to do these things when you play golf again. And do these regularly, and then notice the change it will make on your next golf swing.
If you really want to improve your golf swing then you have to find help. Online there are countless of course that will really help you better your golf swing easily and fast.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Cool Top 10 Health Tip List

Discovery Health Channel National Body Challenge medical advisor Dr. Pamela Peeke shares her top 10 tips and I'm sharing them with you:
1. Get real and be specific. Write down three or four realistic goals that you can stick to. For example, "I will try to lose one pound of body fat every week. I will walk for 30 minutes minimum five days a week." Avoid fantasy-land goals that will only frustrate you.
2. Get prepared. Throw away all the junk, the processed, and the "bingeable" foods now and replace them with fresh, whole foods like lots of water and veggies. Buy a new pair of walking shoes and find some clothes in your closet you feel comfortable to walk in. During a lifestyle change, if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail!
3. Get support. Whether it's your best friend, spouse, or pet, it helps to have some nonjudgmental and nurturing support when trying to lose weight, especially during trying times.
4. Make daily notes. Research has shown that keeping track of your daily exercise and food intake in a journal or notebook will increase the likelihood of success. Keep it simple, or if you're inspired, write a novel! The key is to hold yourself accountable.
5. Create a food-free reward system. How about a new workout outfit, pair of jeans, shoes -- or what the heck, even a spa treatment, shopping spree, or weekend getaway? You deserve this kind of treatment when you reach your goals.
6. Buy a pedometer. A pedometer keeps track of how many steps you take daily. Wear it every day, around home, work, and while exercising. Your National Body Challenge goal is to increase your steps by 10,000 or more daily! Remember this: You'll burn roughly 100 to 125 calories by taking 2,500 steps (about one mile). The goal during the challenge is to burn 300 extra calories and to eat roughly 200 calories less in a day. This 500-calorie deficit is equivalent to one pound of body fat per week and a healthy boost to your self-esteem.
7. Don't skip breakfast. Research shows that the most successful "losers" never skip it. Try to keep it balanced with some protein, a healthy carb, and a small amount of fat. Here are some examples: an egg-white omelet with fresh berries and a piece of whole-wheat toast, or a skim milk shake with fruit and yogurt.
8. Nix the late-night eating. If you eat a lot of excess calories after 8 p.m., you wear them the next morning. Put a stop to this by making sure you have a healthy dinner consisting of lean protein, veggies, and fruit.
9. Eliminate processed sugars. Processed sugars are carbs that have been stripped of their valuable nutrients. How can you identify these sugars? They are all white: table sugar, pasta, rice, and bread, and they're nothing but trouble, since they kick up your appetite for more of the same.
10. Have a mid-afternoon snack. This will curb your appetite and provide fuel for your after-work walk or workout at the gym. Some great snack ideas include: reduced-fat peanut butter on a multi-grain cracker, a couple of pieces of low-fat string cheese and an apple, cottage cheese with pineapple, or try a low-fat cheese microwaved in a whole-wheat pita.
Get started today, Come on down for a free session: