So lets hypothetically say that I haven’t exercised in over a decade, I use the elevator whenever it is possible, I have a uncontrollable sweet tooth, and I am over stressed from my family and work.
How can I start taking back control of my life?
Well the first step will be to organize my strategy so that I don’t become overwhelmed, which will surely raise my chances of success ten fold. Did you know that 92% of those with New Years Resolutions fail and we see all of these successes and failures by march only three months later. Well I definitely want to be hanging out with the 8% that made it through march this year that’s for sure!
If you look at what science studies are telling us about exercise and nutrition then you might spend more time studying them than taking action from what you have learned just like I did, so instead of experiencing paralysis by analysis I am going to make super easy rules I am going to follow to the letter that will be implemented for all the major components to getting in shape Nutrition, Cardiovascular Conditioning, Strength Training, Fasting, Hydration, ect…
Lets start with the most important factor, shall we, “Diet”. Some experts believe that our Diet makes up as much as 80% of our results. Now, although I don’t believe in exact numbers for an individual because everyone is different in there own right I do believe that the diet does play the most integral role in any physical goal someone has. Like the old saying goes, “you are what you eat”.
So, with that said I will refer to mine as the “Parameter Diet”. What I will do when I am buying groceries is walk into the store and first find my fruits and veggies, followed with a visit to the deli to get lunch meat that have the lowest sodium and least amount of preservatives that I can find. Once done with the deli I will avoid the isles all together and make my way to the dairy section and do my best to buy all natural butter, almond milk or soy milk and sometimes real milk (milk is a crutch for me since living on a farm in Wisconsin, so I will do my best:), and then free ranged eggs before I leave the dairy section. My last stop will be the stores bakery to get multi grain bread or wraps that are as fresh and as wholesome as possible.
Thats it, I will not fall victim to the isles where all the prepackaged, high preservative foods live. Seasons are something I already have at home so variety is always available and fresh and my needs are met.
Now that I have minimized my nutritional needs, I need to take a look at my life and re-prioritise so that I can have a focused mind. My first move will be to get 7 pieces of paper out and write down every hour of the day on each piece from 12 am-12 pm. I will answer simple questions about things I do daily and filled in the times with the most amount of details I can come up with. So on a average day this is what I have come up with.
10 pm-5 am – Sleep
5-530 am- Get dressed, brush teeth, drink a glass of water, eat a piece of fruit. Out the door for work.
6-630 am – When my first clients (the breakfast club crew) come in to workout.
730-8 am - Eat breakfast (usually a omelet) and take my vitamins.
9 am- Clients
10 am- Clients
11 am- Afternoon Break, small snack
12 pm- Workout
1 pm- Recovery Drink that has a 4:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio
2 pm- Lunch
3 pm- Clients
4 pm- Clients
5 pm- Quick snack, Clients
6 pm- Clients
7 pm- Light Dinner
No that you know how I have simplified my grocery shopping and how I have written out my schedule so that I may re-prioritise what is important to my current and future goals.
I think you should do the same (it just might help