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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 2 Started off tough

Alright, its Tues Jan. 26th, and after playing flag football for 3 hours on Sunday let's just say i'm glad I have survived chest and back on Mon but especially plyometrics today! After sprinting more on Sunday than I have in 3 years (since playing my last season of college baseball) I feel like my hip flexors punched me in the gut for waking them up @ 5 am. Lets just say yoga on Thursday is going to be a blessing in disquise.
Well I just wanted to say, it's early on in the program but I guarantee that it will only get better. On the flip side, minus the 5am wakeup call, I love the 6 day a week routine (Sunday being optional and much deserved) it makes me feel like a athlete again and that in its self is a awesome feeling.

I know some of you are waiting to see my results, but for those interested in seeing what p90x is all about, check out my coaches site
And make sure to ask questions, although this blog has come about for my personal transformation, fitness is also my job so being here to help you with your transformation is cherry on top of this journey :-)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The workouts didn't go anywhere

So although I had to postpone the start day by three days, the intensity was the same come Mon Jan 18, 2009. My personal transformation is finally under way!
Now for those of you that know me your probably saying to yourself, Shawn your a Personal Trainer and in good shape.
But the truth is that over the last year, working on my clients needs and my business started, I feel like I have fell off the path and its time to get back on! Why P90X? Simple, because both the company (Team Beachbody) and the workouts stand for everything I believe in.
Now I know as a personal trainer, it sounds a little far fetched that I would represent a in home training system that requires no trainer at all, but the truth is that I want to help others look and feel great about themselves.
Fitness offers so many benefits both physically and mentally whether its building your self-esteem, a higher energy level, reducing your stress, or lowering your LDL (Bad) cholesterol and while raising your HDL (healthy). Now, you can Pay me $50 a hour to show you the correct way to exercise built around your goals using your strengths and weaknesses, or you can get clearance from your Dr. and take a leap of faith by being proactive for 1 hour a day, to reach your goals faster than ever!

I am One week in, Join me and we can do it together!
1 week down 11 to go! Stand by for my before and after pics from before I started.
Check out my coaches link for P90X

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Are you ready for 90 days of pain?

So today Jan 12, 2010 @ 6 am I completed the fit test for P90X. However, tomorrow is the day 1 and counting and I have to say that I am pretty excited.
For those of you out there that have made resolutions to tone up, lose weight, or just get in overall good shape, but hate the idea of your typical globo gym because for the next three months you are waiting your turn in line for a specific machine or worse you may have to sign up for it.
Then P90X is the perfect system for you, it will save you time by never leaving your house, money by never driving, and get you looking better than your typical cardio machine and circuit routine than the gym will offer you, Guaranteed!!

I am so confident, that I am willing to offer you free support during the next 90 days I personally will be using the program :-)
Just check back daily and you will find the stats of my workout of the day, a recipe, and a tip of the day. You can literally follow along and get into shape with me!
For those of you interested, I hope you take me up on this offer because you wont find anything else like this ever again, I promise!
My New Years Resolution for 2010 is to help 500 people get into the greatest shape of there lives. Will you be one of them? I hope so.

Either way tomorrow the 90 day count down begins, check back and keep me motivated...